Sunday 1 September 2013

Week 35 Update: I'm Doing Alright.

A week of studying my motherly self. A week well spent.

I tend to be pretty harsh on myself at the best of times,  but motherhood has put a whole new spin on things. I set the bar perhaps a little out of reach and then find myself frustrated and guilty when I can't reach my lofty standards.

This week I've realised that the pressure I put on myself and the guilt I experience are a choice. I can choose to wallow in guilt, to beat myself up about not being good enough. Or I can let all of that go and sit comfortably in the knowledge that my little boy is loved and cared for.

As soon as I put my motherly self in the spotlight I actually relaxed into the role more,  taking my cues from my son. And it turns out I'm doing better than ok. I'm doing great. I just have to remember that!

There is one thing I know would make me a 'better' mummy though ... I need to do more for me. I need to feel loved and nurtured too. Massage, anyone?!

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