Sunday 15 December 2013

Week 51: Learning Something New

Rock climbing, anyone? How about white water rafting, knitting, painting, gardening or applique?

Learning a new skill, taking up a new hobby or taking a class - these are well-accepted ways of experiencing mindfulness.

Why? Well, maybe it's a little bit easier to be mindful when you're doing something new and unfamiliar - you have to give it so much attention that you don't tend to operate on auto-pilot the way you might in other scenarios.

When I thought about setting myself this 'Do Something New' challenge quite a few weeks ago, I considered how nice it would be to try my hand at pottery or crochet - something well outside my comfort zone; something lovely and creative. Instead, it's going to be website building. Yep - building a website (for my new blogging venture in 2014 - The (Non)Sense Of It!). Definitely new, definitely challenging, definitely outside my comfort zone.

Will it help me be more mindful? Or will it drive me up the wall with frustration as I nut my way through it? Time will tell ...

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